Avance Media announces Top 30 Female Diplomats in Ghana List

Leading PR & Rating firm, Avance Media has announced the list of Top 30 Female Diplomats in Ghana. The list which was announced through the firm’s social media platforms was issued by the outfit to acknowledge and celebrate female diplomats who have been committed to excellently delivering their mission duties to support the development of Ghana.
The diplomats who have been spearheading various roles of diplomacy and development in Ghana are ranked as Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Heads of Mission and Country Directors working in the country on behalf of their countries, AU, UN and other diplomatic organisations.
According to the MD of Avance Media, Prince Akpah, therecognition which is being bestowed on the female diplomats is to acknowledge their accomplishments as a diplomat who has risen through the ranks to attain such a great height in a field dominated by males. He further reiterated that he believes this will be an inspiration to other women and through this honour, their works and story will motivate young women in Ghana and other parts of the world to follow in their career footsteps.
Avance Media is noted for its programs in promoting women’s leadership across the continent including the ranking of the 100 Most Influential African Women and 100 Women CEOs in Africa (in partnership with Reset Global People).
The list is part of the Avance Media Honours initiative which will set out to honour the 2022 Female Diplomat of the year which will be decided through a public voting exercise via www.avancemedia.org/vote
Listed in alphabetical order, below are the names of the 2022 Avance Media’s Top 30 Female Diplomats in Ghana.

1. H.E. Abibatou Wane-Fal – Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
2. H.E. Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira – High Commissioner of Rwanda to Ghana
3. H.E. Anette Chao Garcia – Ambassador of Cuba to Ghana
4. H.E. Dr Angela Lusigi – Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
5. H.E. Angela Trenton-Mbonde – Country Director, United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
6. H.E. Anne Sophie AVÉ – Ambassador of France to Ghana
7. H.E. Anne-Claire Dufay Demoulin – Representative, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF
8. H.E. Barbara Clemens – Representative, UN World Food Programme (WFP)
9. H.E. Birgit La Cour Madsen – Deputy Ambassador of Denmark to Ghana
10. H.E. Claudia Turbay Quintero – Ambassador of Colombiato Ghana
11. H.E. Daniela d’Orlandi – Ambassador of Italy to Ghana
12. H.E. Dr Erieka Bennett – Head of Mission, Diaspora African Forum
13. H.E. Esther Kiragu – Representative, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
14. H.E. Eyerusalem Fasika – Country Manager, African Development Bank (AFDB)
15. H.E. Fatima Denton – Director, United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA)
16. H.E. Frances Virginia Anderson – High Commissioner of Sierra Leone to Ghana
17. H.E. Grace Jeanet Mason – High Commissioner of South Africa to Ghana
18. H.E. Harriet Thompson – High Commissioner of United Kingdom to Ghana
19. H.E. Heike Friesel – Director, Goethe-Institut Ghana
20. H.E. Ifeoma Esther Charles-Monwuba- Representative, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
21. H.E. Imane Ouaadil – Ambassador of Morocco to Ghana
22. H.E. Ingrid Mollestad – Ambassador of Norway to Ghana
23. H.E. Juliette Babb-Riley – High Commissioner of Barbados to Ghana
24. H.E. Kati Csaba – High Commissioner of Canada to Ghana
25. H.E. Olga Syradin – Ambassador of Guinea to Ghana
26. H.E. Ozlem Ergun Ulueren – Ambassador of Turkey to Ghana
27. H.E. Regina Bauerochse Barbosa – Country Director, GIZ Ghana
28. H.E. Selma Ashipala-Musavyi – High Commissioner of Namibia to Ghana
29. H.E. Shlomit Sufa – Ambassador of Israel to Ghana
30. H.E. Virginia E. Palmer – Ambassador of USA to Ghana
Source: Avance Media